Woodhull Hospital, Greenpoint


Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Care is a 610 bed general hospital incorporating a mental health clinic and an out-patient department dealing with 450,000 patient visits each year. The design of Woodhull began in the summer of 1969, and the hospital opened for use in 1977. The design gives unlimited flexibility in the organization of interior spaces now and in the future, it allows for the independent installation, maintenance and modification of all mechanical systems and it provides for the possibility of both vertical and horizontal expansion of the hospital. This has been made possible by the interaction of three new concepts in hospital design strategy - phased bidding/ fast track construction, the interstitial floor and the Kaiser corridor plan - used here together and in complementary fashion for the first time.


Location: Brooklyn, New York

Status: Complete 1977

Size: 1,000,000 SF

Type: Early Work

The New York Times, November 1982
Progressive Architecture, 1972


Images © David Hirsch, KMW